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How to use SolACE's microbial consortia formulated with DCM Minigran® technology in the field

Author: Michelle Van Dyck

Problem: European agriculture is challenged by the need to produce more crops using less fertilizer inputs (mainly nitrogen and phosphorus) and with more frequent or intense periods of drought.

Solution: Microbial inoculants are agricultural amendments containing beneficial microorganisms (bacteria or fungi) that promote plant health or growth. Within the SolACE project, microbial inoculants have been selected for improving growth of bread wheat and potato crops under combined nutrient and water shortages. Carriers adapted to the selected microbial inoculants were developed to ensure survival over time and easy application by the farmers. DCM Minigran® technology has been used to develop granular carriers of these selected microbial inoculants (Fig. 1). A recent potato greenhouse trial performed by University of Hohenheim (Germany), applied Minigran® consortia in a standard drought stress screening system. Potatoes grown from true seeds showed positive trends regarding plant growth promotion and improved tuber development. Also, better results were obtained after a consortium application, leading to a reduction of drought damage.

zenodo.org: How to use SolACE's microbial consortia formulated with DCM Minigran® technology in the field

zenodo.org: Het gebruik van SolACE microbiële consortiamet DCM Minigran®technologie in de praktijk

zenodo.org: L'utilisation des consortiums microbiens SolACE formulés avec la technologie Minigran® DCM en pratique

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