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SolACE workshop at the Durum Days on May 17 in Foggia, Italy

SoLACE is a co-organiser of the scientific workshop "Durum wheat quality in the 2020’s: genomics and management for a sustainable durum wheat nutrition" at the 2018 Durumdays in Foggia, Italy.

The Durum Days are a series of international events including all players in the durum wheat supply chain, with the goal of increasing information on the market. They are organized every year in May as an international event and take place in Italy.

The Durum Science international scientific workshops focus on one theme of interest for durum wheat. The workshops are aimed at researchers, students, and stakeholders.

This year, the workshop will take place on the17th of May, entitled "Durum wheat quality in the 2020’s: genomics and management for a sustainable durum wheat nutrition" will be held in conjunction with the SolACE project. Partners from the project will speak about  their research (Workshop programme).

Presentations are all in English, and Italian translation is not provided. Participation is free, upon online (www.durumdays.com) and onsite registration.

This workshop is preceded by the 2nd SoLACE stakeholder event, which will take place in the afternoon of the 16th and the first SolACE annual meeting which takes place from May 14 to 15.

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Nicola Pecchioni, CREA, leader of SolACE work package 4

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